Venjulegt verð13,900
- Frí sending á pöntunum yfir 10.000
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- Umhverfisvænar vörur
- Öruggar greiðsluleiðir
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- Inventory on the way
Our best selling poncho! Elegant and cozy in a light cashmere bamboo blend, this classic one-size-fits-all item is guaranteed to keep you warm in all situations - its perfect for traveling, at home or out and about. The material is super soft and lightweight and the benefits of using recycled cashmere and lyocell processed bamboo include a breathable experience that is sustainable and ethically made.
- Classic poncho
- Fine knitwear
- One size
- Lightweight
- Super soft
- Breathable
- Eco-friendly
Made in 20% recycled cashmere and 80% bamboo lyocell.
Customer Dásamleg þjónusta í alla staði.
Sigrún Birna Björnsdóttir Ponsjóið er einstaklega mjúkt, klæðilegt og afar hentugt á köldum dögum. Það er fallegt og fer vel yfir allar flíkur.
2 reviews